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However, in some cases, a natural succession of time forms is more appropriate. Here, the temporal form of a verb in a subsidiary sentence is not determined by the temporal form of the verb in the upper sentence, but simply by the meaning of the sentence separated from the rest of the sentence. [2] The rule for writers who follow the natural order of temporal forms can be expressed as follows: Imagine that you were at the moment designated by the main verb and you used the form of the tense for the lower verb that you would have used at that time. [3] Thus, the form of time used in indirect speech remains the same as in the words originally spoken. This is normal when the main defect is in the current or future form (unlike the past or conditional mood). For example, there are frequent exceptions to the time order rule (see Latin#Temporal order rule). For example, verbs in conditional clauses usually do not follow the rule: here is a list of several irregular verbs in the past. Despite the use of the subjunctive, verbal forms of time follow rules similar to those of indicative mood. This indicative of the subsidiary sentence is replaced by the subjunctive Present; In the same way, the present perfect is replaced by its corresponding form, that of the past subjunctive and the form of the past by the defect subjunctive of the past. The verb is the element that expresses what happens in a sentence and places it in time (temporal form).

Basically, the form of time will be the past, present or future, for example « Sarah laughs », « Sarah laughs », « Sarah will laugh ». Participations (verbs that end on -ing) do not locate a verb in time and need a finite component to indicate when the event occurs. replacing the need for presidency with the required form of the past, given that the main meaning of the legend is (said) in the past. Further examples can be found in English verbs § Indirect language. The order of temporal forms (known in Latin as consecutio temporum and also known as concordance of temporal forms, succession of temporal forms and temporal harmony) is a series of grammatical rules of a given language that govern the concordance between the tense forms of verbs in related sentences or sentences. . . .

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