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Most landlords must use the standard lease agreement for leases signed on or after April 30, 2018. This rule applies to most rooms, houses, apartments and condominiums you rent. However, it is not applicable: Section 15 (Additional Conditions) and Annex R (Pets) of the form effectively specify that the Law replaces the RTA, as these are restrictions on pets. The wording of these provisions states that, while the RTA provides that a rental agreement cannot prohibit animals in a rental unit or in or around the residential building, the lessor may nevertheless ask the tenant to comply with the co-ownership rules that may prohibit certain pets, and the lessor may ask the lessor and the tenants` council to market a tenant who has an animal of company, if the rules of the apartment do not allow pets. Although the language used here refers to « rules », a declaration provision containing restrictions for pets would be just as restrictive and would have priority. The standard rental form is available on the website of the Ministry of Housing. There is one version that people can print and fill out, and another version that can be filled out on a computer and then printed. As of April 30, 2018, most tenants – whether they are a home management company or a single owner – will be required to use Ontario`s standard housing. Once signed, this document binds tenants and landlords in a contract called a residential lease agreement. These fields contain basic information contained in each rental agreement, including: Lease details, for example.

B when the lease begins, if it is a fixed term (e.g.B. one year) or from one month to the next, or even a week. The end of a lease does not mean that the tenant has to move. At the end of the lease, the tenant can continue to reside in the unit according to the rules of the original lease (if the lease was for one year, the lease will be automatically returned to a monthly lease). Tenants cannot require a standard lease agreement if they signed a lease before April 30, 2018, unless she and her landlord are negotiating a new lease with new terms on or after that date. After requesting a standard rental agreement in writing, you may also have the right to move prematurely. . .


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