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Be sure to carefully consider these new questions about the ASMPP template before submitting your application. These questions suggest that the ASMPP will take a closer look at the relationship between the proposed mentor and the protégé before allowing a match. l. The protégé () does not have a franchise or license agreement with the mentor. The amendments to Form 2459 contain questions about other mentor-protected agreements and information that could lead to a finding of belonging between the mentor and the protégé. With little tact, the SBA has updated the presentation of agreements under the Early Mentor Protection Programme (ASMPP). The new template adds a number of questions in the control box style, mainly about the possible belonging between mentor and protégé. Be sure to check the new template if you`re working on a mentor-protected agreement. f.

Mentor and Protégé () do not have an agreement in principle to merge or sell shares to the other. The questions essentially reflect the assumptions of belonging found in 13 C.F.R. 121.103, although some are specific to a mentor-protected relationship. For example, the question of whether a protégé « has purchased mentor assets, including but not limited to facilities or equipment », has no analogue in the SBA`s membership rules – which one appears to be specific to the ASMPP. j. An owner or manager of the protégé and owner or manager of the tutoring company have () not () several investments in common. g. Protégé () has not purchased ( ) mentor assets, including, but not limited to, facilities or equipment.

The SBA described the changes in form as follows in a decision of the Federal Register: k. In the previous three fiscal years, the protégé () did not receive () 70% or more of his income from the mentor. If you answer yes to any of these questions, it is likely that the ASMPP office will ask for more information, so it is probably a good idea to anticipate it by sending a statement as part of the first request. n. Mentor a () does not () have a good character and a favorable financial position. h. An officer, director, managing partner, partner, principal shareholder or collaborator of the protégé () has not held a mentor position and has not held () a position of executive tutor, director, executive member, partner, main shareholder or collaborator of the protégé. m. The mentor and the protégé () have not set up a joint venture which has received several contracts more than two years apart or which has received more than three contracts.

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